The very first day of production on our film was at last year's Shamrock Shuffle 8K in Chicago. Tomorrow (April 10), WendyCity Productions returns to the Shuffle to follow our ladies as they ramp up for the 2011 racing season... a season each woman hopes will result running the qualifying standard for the 2012 U.S. Olympic Marathon Team Trials in Houston, TX.
Although the Shamrock Shuffle segment shoot is tomorrow, there's still time to contribute to our film fund! Once we've shot the footage, it will need to be organized and stored on external hard drives. Of course, we'll need to duplicate the video and store it on duplicate drives in the event that one of the drives crashes, so you can imagine how expensive that can be! That being said, we really need your help! Your donations directly support this film by expanding our resources. Any amount is appreciated and each dollar will help. (Ex: $15 will allow us to rent a clip-on lavalier microphone for interviews. $45 pays for our tripod.) Please click on the Paypal link to the right if you'd like to help us get this film made. Thanks!
(p.s. We've added some new athletes to the film - see photos below - and are very excited to see how they do tomorrow!)
Although the Shamrock Shuffle segment shoot is tomorrow, there's still time to contribute to our film fund! Once we've shot the footage, it will need to be organized and stored on external hard drives. Of course, we'll need to duplicate the video and store it on duplicate drives in the event that one of the drives crashes, so you can imagine how expensive that can be! That being said, we really need your help! Your donations directly support this film by expanding our resources. Any amount is appreciated and each dollar will help. (Ex: $15 will allow us to rent a clip-on lavalier microphone for interviews. $45 pays for our tripod.) Please click on the Paypal link to the right if you'd like to help us get this film made. Thanks!
(p.s. We've added some new athletes to the film - see photos below - and are very excited to see how they do tomorrow!)
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